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Department of Zoology


The Conservation Evidence team have launched a brand new website  along with two new two flagship projects: Evidence Champions and Non-English Evidence Gathering.

Evidence Champions 

Evidence Champions are organisations that have made a commitment to collaborate with us to integrate Conservation Evidence into their decision making.

How can your organisation become an Evidence Champion?

• Commitment to evidence-based conservation can come in many forms, we welcome discussions with your organisation but here are some suggestions:
• Agree to write the use of Conservation Evidence into decision-making systems when undertaking conservation interventions
• Agree to experimentally test and publish interventions
• Ask grantees to check Conservation Evidence in their grant proposal

The Vincent Wildlife Trust, Froglife, the People’s Trust for Endangered Species and Oryx have all pledged to check the scientific evidence on every time they make a conservation decision.

Non-English Evidence Gathering

We have launched an ambitious effort to collect conservation science in multiple languages. Collaborators from all over the world are welcomed to contribute to the initiative. Each collaborator systematically searches through journals of their native language and collects information about each of the studies. This information is then stored using the Conservation Evidence framework that champions the availability of scientific evidence to those that need it the most.

There is currently an active cohort of collaborators covering 13 languages (including “including Spanish, Portuguese, simplified Chinese, German, Japanese, Dutch, Russian and Persian). Recruitment for further collaborators to aid searching in the languages above and to begin new searches is on the way (register your interest here: 

The project is building an expansive Catalogue of non-English language journals relevant to ecology and conservation science. So far the team have collected over 200 journal titles from 20 different languages.