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Department of Zoology


Three members of the department have authored a paper in Science that describes how a change in behaviour in locusts from mutual repulsion to attraction is brought about by serotonin, a common substance in the brain.

This change in behaviour is the first and critical step in changing what are essentially just large grasshoppers, living on their own in the desert to devastating swarming pests.

Science Journal, 30th January 2009

Locust swarms 'high' on serotonin, BBC (29.01.09)

Why a depressed locust is a good thing... for us, Channel 4 (29.01.09)

A brain chemical changes locusts from harmless grasshoppers to swarming pests, University of Cambridge (30.01.09)

Why Locusts Swarm WYNC Radio (12.03.09)
