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Department of Zoology


Every year the department holds a "seminar day" on the wide variety of research done in our department and is attended by the rest of the department.  The talks are given by researchers at all different levels, i.e. from first year graduate student to professor. This year the seminar subjects ranged from "William Benson's collection of snails from British India" to "Connectomics in the fly" to "Saving the Spoon-billed Sandpiper" to "Tracking wolves".

This year the organisers, Dr Ed Turner and Dr Stephen Montgomery, initiated "PechaKucha" talks, whereby speakers have 20 powerpoint slides and only have 20 seconds to talk, per slide. Five of our graduate students "volunteered" and all did incredibly well in front of an audience of over 100 people. Prizes were awarded to the top two students:

Jonathan Pattrick  on Grip and Slip; the biomechanics of plant pollinator interactions.

Edith Julieta Sarmiento-Ponce on Adult female cricket attraction to male calling is influenced by female age.

Members of the department are also encouraged to give poster presentations on their work and again a wide range of subjects are covered.  Again prizes were awarded for the best two posters:

Olivia Tidswell on Roles of gap and Hox genes during elongation and segmentation in the beetle Tribolium.

Sankaranarayanan Meenaksi-Sundaram on Translational rgulation in early Drosophila development.