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Department of Zoology

Fungus growing termites, macrotermes carbonarius (Taman Negara NP/Wikimedia/CC BY-SA 2.0)

The Department of Zoology has received a donation from Dr Johanna Darlington, which shall be used at the discretion of the Trust Fund Managers to support research on any aspect of the biology of social insects.

  • Awards from the fund shall be available to those working within or in association with the Department of Zoology.
  • Awards from the fund will only be made to those at Postgraduate or Postdoctoral level.
  • Funding will not support core project work of a postgraduate student but could be used to support follow-on work or side projects in a distinct but promising area.
  • In making awards, the Managers shall give preference to those who intend to include fieldwork as part of their programme of research.

Applications should be submitted to Philippa via

The closing date is Monday 27 May 2024.

Application Form

The application should include:

  • A brief outline of the studies to be carried out, describing the purpose for which the grant is required.
  • A short (max 2 page) CV.
  • A brief academic reference from someone familiar with the applicant and their general field of study.
  • A brief statement from the person with whom or in whose lab the applicant will be working, that the relevant space and basic facilities will be available.
  • A brief outline of the risk assessments/ethical approval involved and the current state of these approval(s). This risk assessment should be reviewed and signed off by your selected supervisor for this work.
  • An estimate of the full costs of the study; the amount sought from the Darlington Fund and details of any other related applications. Applicants may request funds either for maintenance (in which case this will be paid as an internship in line with the National Living Wage of £423.28pw for up to 6 weeks) and/or for research costs, such as travel or equipment.