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Department of Zoology


The Zoology Departmental Seminar Series run weekly and the cover recent research on a wide variety of topics from evolutionary genetics through behavioural ecology to ecology and natural history. Part II undergraduate zoologists are encouraged to attend.

The organisers are Euan Furness, Henry North and Hannah MacGregor. 

Location: Part II Lecture Theatre, Department of Zoology

Time: 1-2pm

List of Seminars at



Date Speaker

28 January

Jeff Streicher, Natural History Museum

11 February

Joana Meier, Dept of Zoology, University of Cambridge

20 February

Isabelle Côté, Simon Fraser University 

25 February

Charlotte Houldcroft,
Department of Genetics & 
Cambridge Infective Diseases Research Centre

6 March

Katrina Davis, University of Oxford
7 March

Rob Salguero-Gómez, University of Oxford

11 March

Marie Dacke, University of Lund

18 March

Carole Smadja, ISEM Montpellier



Date Speaker
23 January                             Joe Millard; Natural History Museum, UK.

30 January

Stephanie King; University of Bristol, UK.
6 February Kristin Tessmar-Raible; Max Perutz Labs, Austria.
13 February Armand Leroi; Imperial College London, UK.
20 February  Cynthia Tedore; University of Hamburg, Germany
27 February Alison Wright, University of Sheffield
1 October Kory Evans, Rice University
22 October Nicholai Hensley, University of Cambridge
4 November Simon van Vliet, University of Basel
12 November Manuela Gonzalez-Suarez, University of Reading
19 November Andrew Mooney, Trinity College Dublin
26 November Adrian Baez-Ortega, University of Cambridge
3 December Luis Guerra, Kings College London



Date Speaker Title of Talk                                                  
17 October                                Martin How, University of Bristol, UK.                                                                               Evolution of neurons and neuropeptides in early animal lineages                           

24 October

Maria Sachkova; University of Bristol, UK.                                                   To be confirmed                                                                               
7 November Gabriel Bever; Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, USA. Evolution of sensory-driven behaviours in blind cavefish
14 November Sylvie Retaux; NeuroPSI, France. To be confirmed
21 November Karin Kjernsmo; University of Bristol, UK. To be confirmed
28 November Michael Bok; Lund University, Sweden Novel ecoinformatic approaches to help monitor and solve the biodiversity crisis