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Department of Zoology



I am a conservation scientist, who researches strategies that can be employed to conserve species diversity and healthy ecosystem functioning both in the UK and abroad. I am a University Teaching Officer in the Department of Zoology, Curator of Insects in the University Museum of Zoology and   a Fellow at Clare College, Cambridge.

In Sumatra, Indonesia I work on the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA) Programme investigating management strategies to increase biodiversity in oil palm plantations without impacting yield. In Sabah, Malaysia I work with the Stability of Altered Forest Ecosystems (SAFE) Project that experimentally investigates the impact of rainforest fragmentation and conversion to agriculture on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.  In the UK, I collaborate with the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire Wildlife Trust, investigating insect diversity and management on chalk grassland reserves.


I am interested in understanding how landscapes can be managed to maintain biodiversity and healthy functioning ecosystems, while still allowing agricultural development to take place. Much of this work is based in Indonesia and Malaysia, where I study the impacts of tropical rainforest fragmentation and conversion to oil palm plantation: among the biggest threats to global biodiversity today.

My previous research has investigated the role of large epiphytic ferns in housing biodiversity in oil palm. More recently, with the SAFE Project, I helped to establish an experimental landscape, encompassing forest fragments of differing sizes in a newly established oil palm. In Sumatra, Indonesia our research team is working on a collaborative initiative with the oil palm industry, the BEFTA Programme, to experimentally investigate the potential of management methods, such as the maintenance of understory plants and the rehabilitation of river margins, to benefit biodiversity and important ecosystem functions, such as pest control.

In the UK, I work with the BCN Wildlife Trust to investigate the role of habitat management in supporting insect diversity on chalk grassland reserves. We are particularly interested in understanding how conservation management can be tailored to benefit threatened butterfly species, such as the Duke of Burgundy, in the face of future climate change.


Key publications: 


Pashkevich MD, Marshall CAM, Freeman B, Reiss-Woolever VJ, Abedi-Lartey M, Caliman J-P, van Dessel P, Drewer J, Heath B, Hendren MT, Saputra A, Stone J, Timperley J, Draper W, Gbarway A, Geninyan B, Ginting D, Goll B, Guahn M, Gweh AN, Hadfield P, Handojo F, Jah M, Jayswen S, Jeremiah, Jones Y, Kandie S, Koffa D, Manewah B, Palmeirim F, Pett B,Rocha R, Swope-Nyantee E, Tue J, Tueleh J, Vincent A, Weah R, Widodo R, Yennigo AJ, Yonmah J & Turner, EC (2024). The socioecological benefits and consequences of oil palm cultivation in its native range: The Sustainable Oil Palm in West Africa (SOPWA) Project. Science of the Total Environment 926

Hayes MP, Ashe-Jepson E, Hitchcock GE, Clark R, Hellon J, Knock RI, Bladon AJ & Turner EC (2024). Heatwave predicts shady future for insects. Journal of Insect Conservation 28

Howlett K, Lee H-Y, Jaffé A, Lewis M & Turner EC (2023). Wildlife documentaries present a diverse, but biased, portrayal of the natural world’. People and Nature

Luke SH, Foster WA, Advento AD, Aryawan AAK, Adhy DN, Ashton-Butt A, Barclay H, Drewer J, Dumbrell A, Eycott AE, Harianja MF, Hinsch JA, Hood A SC, Kurniawan C, Kurz DJ, Mann DJ, Matthews Nicholass KJ, Naim M, Pashkevich MD, Prescott GW, Sudharto Ps, Pujianto, Purnomo D, Purwoko RR, Putra S, Rambe TDS, Slade EM, Soeprapto, Spear DM, Suhardi, Tan D, Tao1 H-H, Tarigan RS, Wahyuningsih R, Waters HS, Widodo RH, Woodham CR, Caliman J-P, Snaddon JL, Turner EC (2020). The Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA) Programme: using large-scale experiments to test and develop more-sustainable oil palm management. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. 2:75. doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2019.00075

Bladon A, Lewis M, Bladon E, Buckton S, Corbett S, Ewing S, Hayes M, Hitchcock G, Knock R, Lucas C, McVeigh A, Menendez R, Walker J, Fayle T, Turner EC (2020). How butterflies keep their cool: physical and ecological traits influence thermoregulatory ability and population trends. Journal of Animal Ecology 89, 2440-2450

Other publications: 

Journal articles 

Marsh CJ, Turner EC, Blonder B, Bongalov B, Both S, Cruz RS, Elias DMO, Hemprich-Bennett D, Jotan P, Kemp V, Kritzler UH, Milne S, Milodowski DT, Mitchell SL, Pillco M, Nunes MH, Riutta T, Robinson SJB, Slade EM, Bernard H, Burslem DFRP, Chung AYC, Clare EL, Coomes DA, Davies ZG, Edwards DP, Johnson D, Kratina P, Malhi Y, Majalap N, Nilus R, Ostle NJ, Rossiter SJ, Struebig MJ, Tobias JA, Williams M, Ewers RM, Lewis OT, Reynolds G, The YA, Hector A (2025). Tropical forest clearance impacts biodiversity and function, whereas logging changes structure. Science 387, 171-175, DOI: 10.1126/science.adf9856  

Marshall CAM, Guahn MM, Jones T, Jah MT, Hadfield PM, Saputra A, Widodo R, Freeman B, Draper W, Caliman J-P, Turner EC, Pashkevich MD (2024). Plant biodiversity, vegetation structure and provisioning services in rainforest, traditional and industrial oil palm cultivation systems in Liberia, west Africa. Plants, People, Planet. 

Popkin M, Harianja MF, Luke SH, Setyawan YP, Naim M, Caliman J-P & Turner EC (2024). Developing floral-baited traps to survey flower-visiting insects in tropical crops: findings from an oil palm case study. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 

Jameson T, Johnston G, Barr M, Sandow D, Head J, Turner E (2024). Squamate Scavenging Services: Heath goannas (Varanus rosenbergi) support carcass removal and suppress agriculturally damaging blowflies. Ecology and Evolution 

Ewers RM, Orme CDL, Pearse WD et al. (multi-author paper) (2024). Thresholds for adding degraded tropical forest to the conservation estate. Nature 631, 808–813 

Pashkevich MD, Pett BL, Marshall CAM, Caliman J-P, Freeman B, Guahn MM, Hadfield PM, Hendren MT, Jah MT, Jones T, Saputra A, Widodo RH, Turner EC (2024). Conversion of rainforest to both traditional and industrial oil palm systems changes the biodiversity, web-building, and prey capture of understory spiders (Liberia, West Africa). Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 373 

Fletcher, RJ Jr., Smith TAH, Troy S, Kortessis N, Turner EC, Bruna EM, & Holt RD (2024). The Prominent Role of the Matrix in Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 55 DOI: 10.1146/annurev-ecolsys-102722-025653 

Drewer J, Tarigan RS, Banin LF, White S, Raine E, Luke SH, Turner EC, Skiba U, Cowan N, Dewi JP, Advento, AD, Aryawan AAK, Caliman JP and Pujianto (2024). Restoring understory and riparian areas in oil palm plantations does not increase greenhouse gas fluxes. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 7 

Pashkevich MD, Marshall CAM, Freeman B, Reiss-Woolever VJ, Abedi-Lartey M, Caliman J-P, van Dessel P, Drewer J, Heath B, Hendren MT, Saputra A, Stone J, Timperley J, Draper W, Gbarway A, Geninyan B, Ginting D, Goll B, Guahn M, Gweh AN, Hadfield P, Handojo F, Jah M, Jayswen S, Jeremiah, Jones Y, Kandie S, Koffa D, Manewah B, Palmeirim F, Pett B,Rocha R, Swope-Nyantee E, Tue J,  Tueleh J, Vincent A, Weah R, Widodo R, Yennigo AJ, Yonmah J & Turner, EC (2024). The socioecological benefits and consequences of oil palm cultivation in its native range: The Sustainable Oil Palm in West Africa (SOPWA) Project. Science of the Total Environment 926 

Hayes MP, Ashe-Jepson E, Hitchcock GE, Clark R, Hellon J, Knock RI, Bladon AJ & Turner EC (2024). Heatwave predicts shady future for insects. Journal of Insect Conservation 28 

Ashe-Jepson E, Anderson J, Hitchcock GE, Wallis S, Wingader K, Bladon AJ & Turner EC (2024). Habitat associations of day-flying Lepidoptera and their foodplants within nature reserves in Bedfordshire, UK Journal of Insect Conservation. 

Toro-Delgado E, Vila R, Talavera G, Turner EC, Hayes MP, Horrocks NPC, & Bladon AJ (2024). Regional differences in thermoregulation between two European butterfly communities. Journal of Animal Ecology 93, 183-195. 

Ashe-Jepson E, Bru E, Connell E, Dixit MK, Hargrave J, Lavitt T, Lam M, Prosser R, Roberts BJ, Thompson B, Bladon AJ, Turner EC (2024). Hot topics in butterfly research: Current knowledge and gaps in understanding of butterfly responses to temperature. Insect Conservation and Diversity 17, 1-15. 

Potapov AM, Drescher J, Darras K, Wenzel A, Janotta N, Nazarreta R, Kasmiatun, Laurent V, Mawan A, Utari EH, Pollierer MM, Rembold K, Widyastuti R, Buchori D, Hidayat, Turner EC, Grass I, Westphal C, Tscharntke T, Scheu S (2024). Rainforest transformation reallocates energy from green to brown food webs. Nature,  

Harianja MF, Stone J, Wan Mamat WZ, Hadi M, Luke SJ, Azhar B, Turner EC (2024). How do management decisions impact butterfly assemblages in smallholding oil palm plantations in Peninsular Malaysia? Journal of Applied Ecology 61:759–772 DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.14615 

Harianja MF, Turner EC, Barclay H, Chey VK, Aldridge DC, Foster WA, Luke SH (2024). The effects of land-use change on semi-aquatic bugs (Gerromorpha, Hemiptera) in rainforest streams in Sabah, Malaysia. Freshwater Biology.  

Harianja MF, Luke SH, Barclay H, Chey VK, Aldridge DC, Foster WA, Turner EC. (2023). The impacts of within-stream physical structure and riparian buffer strips on semi-aquatic bugs in Southeast Asian oil palm Frontiers In Forests And Global Change 6 

Howlett K, Turner E. (2023). How integrated is research on interactions between people and nature? In press People and Nature 6, 27-40. 

Stone J, Advento A Pashkevich M, Aryawan AA, Caliman J-P, Hood A, Foster W, Naim M, Pujianto, Purnomo D, Suhardi, Tarigan RS, Rambe, Tuani DS, Widodo RH, Luke S, Snaddon J& Turner EC (2023). Maintaining understory vegetation in oil palm plantations supports higher assassin bug numbers (Ecological solutions and evidence 

Ashe-Jepson E, Hayes M, Hitchcock G, Wingader K, Turner EC, Bladon A (2023). Day-flying Lepidoptera larvae have a poorer ability to thermoregulate than adults. Ecology and Evolution 13, 

Howlett K, and Turner EC (2023). Greenness and biodiversity of open spaces in primary schools and their local surroundings in England. Environmental Conservation 

Reiss-Woolever VJ, Advento AD, Aryawan AAK, Caliman J-P, Foster WA, Naim M, Pujianto, Purnomo D, Snaddon JL, Soeprapto, Suhardi, Tarigan RS, Wahyuningsih R, Rambe TDS, Sudharto Ps, Widodo RS, Luke SH, Turner EC (2023) Understory vegetation supports more abundant and diverse butterfly communities in oil palm plantations. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2023.1205744 

Ashe-Jepson E, Laird-Hopkins BC, Basset Y, Bladon AJ, Cobo SA, Kleckova I, Mcfarlane A, Sam K, Savage AF, Zamora AC, Turner EC, Lamarre GPA (2023). Tropical butterflies use thermal buffering and thermal tolerance as alternative strategies to cope with temperature change. Journal of Animal Ecology, 92, 1759-1770,

Howlett K & Turner EC (2023). What can drawings tell us about children’s perceptions of nature? PLoS ONE,

Kvasnicaa J, Matulab R, Rejžeka M, Ewers RM, Riutta T, Turner EC, Nilus R & Sváteka M. (2023). Multi-stemming enhances tree survival and growth in Borneo’s logged forests. Forest Ecology and Management,

Laird-Hopkins B, Ashe-Jepson E, Arizala CS, Basset Y, Eberhardt L, Feiberga I, Hellon J, Hitchcock G, Kleckova I, Lamarre G, Linke D, McFarlane A, Savage A, Turner E, Zamora AC, Sam K, Bladon A (2023). Thermoregulatory ability and mechanism does not differ consistently between neotropical and temperate butterflies. Global Change Biology 29, 4180-4192,

Reiss-Woolever VJ, Advento A Dwi, Aryawan AAK, Caliman J-P, Foster WA, Naim M, Pujianto, Purnomo D, Snaddon JL, Soeprapto, Suhardi, Tarigan RS, Wahyuningsih R, Rambe TDS, Sudharto Ps, Widodo RH, Luke SH, Turner EC (2023). Habitat heterogeneity supports day-flying Lepidoptera in oil palm plantations. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 39, e24 

Howlett K, Lee H-Y, Jaffé A, Lewis M & Turner EC (2023). Wildlife documentaries present a diverse, but biased, portrayal of the natural world’. People and Nature 

Mills MB, Malhi Y, Ewers RM, Kho LK, The YA, Both S, Burslem DFRP, Majalap N, Nilus R, Huasco WH, Cruz R, Pillco MM, Turner EC, Reynolds G, and Riutta T (2023). Tropical forests post-logging are a persistent net carbon source to the atmosphere. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 120 (3) e2214462120 

Wilson OE, Pashkevich MD, Rookmaaker LC & Turner EC (2022). Image-based analyses from an online repository provide rich information on long-term changes in morphology and human perceptions of rhinos. People and Nature 4, 1560–1574. 

Wilson OE, Pashkevich MD, Turner EC & Rookmaaker LC. (2022). The Rhino Resource Center: accessing and utilizing a unique digital database. Pachyderm. 

Harianja MF, Luke SH, Barclay H, Chey VK, Aldridge DC, Foster WA & Turner EC (2022). Length-biomass equations to allow rapid assessment of semi-aquatic bug (Gerromorpha, Hemiptera) biomass in tropical streams. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 

Pashkevich, MD, Spear DM, Advento AD, Caliman J-P, Foster WA, Luke SH, Naim M, Sudharto Ps, Snaddon JL & Turner EC (2022). Spiders in canopy and ground microhabitats are robust to changes in understory vegetation management practices in mature oil palm plantations (Riau, Indonesia). Basic and Applied Ecology 64, 120-133. 

Pashkevich MD, d’Albertas F, Aryawan AGK, Buchori D, Caliman J-P, Chaves ADG, Hidayat P, Kreft H, Naim M, Razafimahatratra A, Turner EC, Zemp DC & Luke SH (2022). Nine actions to successfully restore tropical agroecosystems. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 37, 11 

Popkin M, Reiss-Woolever VJ, Turner EC and Luke SH (2022). A systematic map of within-plantation oil palm management practices reveals a rapidly growing but patchy evidence base. PLoS Sustain Transform 1(7): e0000023. 

Pashkevich MD, Luke SH, Aryawan AAK, Waters HS, Caliman J-P, Dupérré N, Naim M, Potapov AM & Turner EC (2022). Riparian buffers made of mature oil palms have inconsistent impacts on oil palm ecosystems. Ecological Applications. 

Howlett K & Turner EC (2021). Effects of COVID-19 lockdown restrictions on parents' attitudes towards green space and time spent outside by children in Cambridgeshire and North London, United Kingdom. People and Nature. DOI: 10.1002/pan3.10291 

Ashe-Jepson E, Bladon AJ, Herbert G, Hitchcock GE, Knock R, Lucas CB, Luke SH, Turner EC (2021). Oviposition behaviour and emergence through time of the small blue butterfly (Cupido minimus) in a nature reserve in Bedfordshire, UK. Journal of Insect Conservation 6, 1-16. doi.org10.1007/s10841-021-00360-5 

Hood A S-C, Aryawan A, Advento A Suberkah W, Ashton-Butt A, Sudharto Ps Caliman J-P, Naim M, Foster WA, Turner EC (2021). A whole-ecosystem method for experimentally suppressing ants on a small scale. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 

Hayes MP, Ashe-Jepson E, Bladon A, Hitchcock GE, Knock RI, Lucas CBH, Turner EC (2021). Consistent oviposition preferences of the Duke of Burgundy butterfly over 14 years on a chalk grassland reserve in Bedfordshire. Journal of Insect Conservation 25, pages 611–628 

Reiss-Woolever VJ, Luke SH, Stone J, Shackelford GE, Turner EC (2021). Systematic mapping shows the need for increased socio-ecological research on oil palm. Environmental Research Letters 16 063002 

Boyle MJW, Bishop TR, Luke SH, van Breugel M, Evans TA, Pfeifer M, Fayle TM, Hardwick SR, Lane-Shaw RI, Yusah KM, Ashford ICR, Ashford OS, Garnett E, Turner EC, Wilkinson CL, Chung AYC & Ewers RM (2020). Localised climate change defines ant communities in human-modified tropical landscapes. Functional Ecology 

Hood A SC, Advento AD, Stone J, Fayle TM, Fairnie ALM, Waters HS, Foster WA, Snaddon JL, Sudharto ps, Caliman JP, Naim M, Turner EC (2020). Removing understorey vegetation in oil palm plantations reduces ground-foraging ant abundance but not species richness. Basic and Applied Ecology 48, 26-36 

Pashkevich MD, Aryawan AAK, Luke SH, Waters HS, Caliman J-P, Naim M, Turner EC (2020). Assessing the effects of oil palm replanting on arthropod biodiversity.  Journal of Applied Ecology 58, 27-43 

Bladon A, Lewis M, Bladon E, Buckton S, Corbett S, Ewing S, Hayes M, Hitchcock G, Knock R, Lucas C, McVeigh A, Menendez R, Walker J, Fayle T, Turner EC (2020). How butterflies keep their cool: physical and ecological traits influence thermoregulatory ability and population trends. Journal of Animal Ecology 89, 2440-2450 

Simões FL, Contador-Mejías T, Rendoll-Cárcamo J, Pérez-Troncoso C, Hayward SAL, Turner EC and Convey P (2020). Distribution and habitat preferences of the newly rediscovered Telmatogeton magellanica (Jacobs, 1900) (Diptera: Chironomidae) on Navarino Island, Chile. Insects 11, 442; doi:10.3390/insects11070442 

Dumbrell, AJ, Turner EC & Fayle TM (2020). Preface: Tropical Ecosystems in the 21st Century. Advances in Ecological Research 62, Edited by Dumbrell, Turner & Fayle. 

Hood A SC, Pashkevich MD, Advento AD, Aryawan AAK, Naim M, Caliman J-P2, Head JJ, Turner EC (2020). Termite Mounds and their Inhabitants are Robust to Changing Understory Vegetation Management Practices in Oil Palm. Biotropica 52:345–350 

Luke SH, Advento AD, Dow RA, Aryawan AAK, Barclay H, Eycott AE, Hinsch JK, Kurniawan C, Naim M, Mann DJ, Pujianto, Purnomo D, Rambe TDS, Slade EM, Soeprapto, Sudharto Ps, Suhardi, Tarigan RS, Wahyuningsih R, Widodo RH, Caliman J-P, Snaddon JL, Foster WA, Turner EC (2020). Complexity within an oil palm monoculture: the effects of habitat variability and rainfall on adult dragonfly (Odonata) communities. Biotropica. 52:366–379 

Eycott AE, Advento AD, Waters HS, Luke SH, Aryawan AAK, Hood A SC, Naim M, Sudharto Ps, Pujianto, Purnomo D, Rambe TDS, Soeprapto, Suhardi, Tarigan RS, Wahyuningsih R, Widodo RH, Caliman J-P, Snaddon JL, Foster WA, Turner EC (2019). Resilience of ecological functions to drought in an oil palm agroecosystem. Environmental Research Communications 1 101004 

Luke SH, Foster WA, Advento AD, Aryawan AAK, Adhy DN, Ashton-Butt A, Barclay H, Drewer J, Dumbrell A, Eycott AE, Harianja MF, Hinsch JA, Hood A SC, Kurniawan C, Kurz DJ, Mann DJ, Matthews Nicholass KJ, Naim M, Pashkevich MD, Prescott GW,  Sudharto Ps, Pujianto, Purnomo D, Purwoko RR, Putra S, Rambe TDS, Slade EM, Soeprapto, Spear DM, Suhardi, Tan D, Tao1 H-H, Tarigan RS, Wahyuningsih R, Waters HS, Widodo RH, Woodham CR, Caliman J-P, Snaddon JL, Turner EC (2020). The Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA) Programme: using large-scale experiments to test and develop more-sustainable oil palm management. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. 2:75. doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2019.00075 

Hood A SC, Aryawan AAK, Advento AD, Purnomo D, Wahyuningsih R, Luke SH, Sudharto PS, Snaddon JL, Foster WA, Caliman J-P, Turner EC, Naim M (2019). Understory vegetation in oil palm plantations promotes Leopard Cat activity, but does not affect rats or rat damage. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 2:51. doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2019.00051 

Hayes MP, Hitchcock GE, Knock RI, Lucas CBH, Turner EC (2019). Temperature and territoriality in the Duke of Burgundy butterfly, Hamearis lucina. Journal of Insect Conservation 23, 739-750. 

Luke SH, Purnomo D, Advento AD, Aryawan AAK, Naim M, Pikstein R, Sudharto Ps, Rambe TDS, Caliman J-P, Snaddon JL, Foster WA, and Turner EC (2019). Effects of Understory Vegetation Management on Plant Communities in Oil Palm Plantations in Sumatra, Indonesia. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 2(33). 

Woodham CR, Aryawan AA, Luke SH, Manning P, Caliman J-P, Naim M, Turner EC, Slade EM (2019). Assessing Changes in Ecosystem Functioning in Replanted Oil Palm and the Value of Preserving Mature Oil Palm Riparian Buffers. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. 

Dow RA, Advento A Dwi, Turner EC, Caliman J-P, Foster WA, Naim M, Snaddon JL & Sudharto Ps (2018). Odonata from the BEFTA Project area, Riau Province, Sumatra, Indonesia. Journal of the international Dragonfly Fund Faunistic Studies in Southeast Asian and Pacific Island Odonata 24, ISSN 21954534  

Ashton-Butt A, Aryawan AAK, Hood A, Naim M, Purnomo D, Suhardi, Wahyuningsih R, Willcock S, Poppy GM, Caliman J-P, Turner EC, Foster WA, Peh KS-H, Snaddon JL. (2019). Understory Vegetation in Oil Palm Plantations Benefits Soil Biodiversity and Decomposition Rates. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, section Tropical Forests. 

Hayes MP, Hitchcock GE, Knock RI, Lucas CBH, Chaney PK, Rhodes MW, Turner EC (2018). Determining the long-term habitat preferences of the Duke of Burgundy butterfly, Hamearis lucina, on a chalk grassland reserve in the UK. Journal of Insect Conservation, 22, 329-343. 

Jucker T, Dalponte M, Asner GP, Brelsford C, Burslem DFRP, Deere NJ, Ewers RM, Khoo MS, Lewis SL, Malhi Y, NilusR, Pfeifer M, Phillips O, Qie L, Reynolds G, Riutta T, Struebig MJ, Svátek M, Turner EC & Coomes DA (2018). A regional model for estimating the aboveground carbon density of Bornean forests from airborne laser scanning. Biogeosciences15, pp 3811-3830. 

Helden AJ, Morley GJ, Davidson GL & Turner EC (2018). What can we do for urban insect biodiversity? Applying lessons from ecological research. Zoosymposia 12, 51-63. ISSN 1178-9905. 

Riutta T, Malhi Y, Kho LK, Marthews T, Huaraca Huasco W, Khoo, MS, Tan S, Turner EC, Reynolds G, Vairappan C &; Majalap N (2018). Logging disturbance shifts net primary productivity and its allocation in tropical forest. Global Change Biology. DOI 10.1111/gcb.14068 

Spear M, Foster WA, Andreas Dwi Advento, Mohammad Naim, Caliman J-P, Luke SH, Snaddon JL, Sudharto Ps & Turner EC (2018). Simplifying understory complexity in oil palm plantations is associated with a reduction in the density of a cleptoparasitic spider, Argyrodes miniaceus (Araneae: Theridiidae), in host (Araneae: Nephilinae) webs. Ecology and Evolution 8(3),1595-1603. 

Titley MA, Snaddon JL & Turner EC (2017). Scientific research on animal biodiversity is systematically biased towards vertebrates and temperate regions. PLoS ONE. 

Nunes MH, Ewers RM, Turner EC, Coomes DA (2017). Mapping aboveground carbon in oil palm plantations using LiDAR: a comparison of tree-centric versus area-based approaches. Remote Sensing, 9, 816.  

Luke SH, Nainar A, Walsh RPD, Bidin K, Barclay H, Chey VK, Ewers RM, Foster WA, Pfeifer M7, Reynolds G, Turner EC, Aldridge DC (2017). The effects of catchment and riparian forest quality on stream environmental conditions across a tropical rainforest and oil palm landscape in Malaysian Borneo. Ecohydrology, 10: e1827. 

Luke SH, Dow RA, Butler S, Chey VK, Aldridge DC, Foster WA, Turner EC (2017). The impacts of habitat disturbance on adult and larval dragonflies (Odonata) in rainforest streams in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Freshwater Biology 62, 491–506. 

Hudson L et al. (multi-author paper) (2017). The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project. Ecology and Evolution 7: 145–188. 

Ghazali A, Asmah S, Asmah, S, Syafiq M, Yahya MS, Aziz N, Peng TL, Norhisham AR, Puan CL, Turner EC & Azhar B (2016). Effects of monoculture and polyculture farming in oil palm smallholdings on terrestrial arthropod diversity. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 19, 415-421. 

Pfeifer M, Nilus R, Turner EC, Chey VK, Cusack J, Lysenko I, Chung A, Kor L & Ewers RM (2016). Mapping the structure of Borneo's tropical forests across a degradation gradient. Remote Sensing of Environment 176, 84-97. 

Kurz DJ, Turner EC, Anak Agung Ketut Aryawan, Barkley HC, Caliman J-P, Konopik O, Sudharto Ps & Foster WA (2016). Replanting reduces frog diversity in oil palm. Biotropica. 48, 483-490. 

Sasidhran S, Adila N, Mohd. Hamdan S, Samantha LD, Aziz N, Kamarudin N, Puan CL, Turner EC & Azhar B (2016) Habitat occupancy patterns and activity rate of native mammals in tropical fragmented peat swamp reserves in Peninsular Malaysia. Forest Ecology and Management 363, 140-148. 

Pfeifer M, Veronique Lefebvre V, Turner EC, Cusack J, Khoo MS, Chey VK, Ewers RM (2015) Deadwood biomass: an underestimated carbon stock in degraded tropical forests? Environmental Research Letters 10, 044019. 

Fayle TM, Turner EC, Basset Y, Ewers RM, Reynolds G, Novotny V (2015) Whole-ecosystem experimental manipulations of tropical rainforests. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 30, 334–346. 

Ewers RM, Boyle MJW. Gleave R, Plowman NS, Benedick S, Bernard H, Bishop TR, Bakhhtiar EY, Chey VK, Chung AYC, Davies RG, Edwards, DP, Eggleton P, Fayle TM, Hardwick SR, Homathevi, R, Khoo MS, Luke SL, March JJ, Nilus R, Pfeifer M, Rao SV, Struebig, MJ, Wearn OR, Yusah KM & Turner EC (2015) Logging cuts the functional importance of invertebrates in tropical rainforest. Nature Communications 6, 6836. 

Fayle TM, Edwards DP, Foster WA, Mohd Yusah K, Turner EC (2015) An ant-plant by-product mutualism is robust to selective logging of rain forest and conversion to oil palm plantation. Oecologia 178, 441–450. 

Hudson L et al. (multi-author paper) (2015) The PREDICTS database: a global database of how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human impacts. Ecology and Evolution 4, 4701–4735. 

Hardwick SR, Toumi R, Pfeifer M, Turner EC, Nilus R & Ewers RM (2015) The relationship between leaf area index and microclimate in tropical forest and oil palm plantation: forest disturbance drives changes in microclimate. Agriculture and Forest Meteorology 201, 187–195. 

Luke SH, Eggleton P, Fayle TM, Turner EC & Davies RG (2014) Functional structure of ant and termite assemblages in old growth forest, logged forest and oil palm plantation in Malaysian Borneo. Biodiversity Conservation 23, 2817-2832. 

M. Yusah K, Turner EC, Yahya BE & Fayle TM (2013).  An elevational gradient in litter-dwelling ant communities in Imbak Canyon, Sabah, Malaysia. Journal of Tropical Biology Conservation 9, 192-199. 

Fayle TM, Turner EC & Foster WA (2013) Ant mosaics occur in SE Asian oil palm plantation but not rain forest and are influenced by the presence of nest-sites and non-native species. Ecography 36, 1051–1057. 

Snaddon JL, Turner EC, Fayle TM, Chey VK, Eggleton P & Foster WA (2012) Biodiversity hanging by a thread: the importance of fungal litter-trapping systems in tropical rainforests. Biology Letters 8, 397-400. 

Fayle TM, Edwards DP, Turner EC, Dumbrell AJ, Eggleton P, & Foster WA (2012) Public goods, public services, and by-product mutualism in an ant-fern symbiosis. Oikos 121, 1279-1286. 

Ewers RM, Didham RK, Fahrig L, Ferraz G, Hector A, Holt RD, Kapos V, Reynolds G, Sinun W, Snaddon JL & Turner EC (2011) A large-scale forest fragmentation experiment: the Stability of Altered Forest Ecosystems Project. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 366, 3292-3302. 

Foster WA, Snaddon JL, Turner EC, Fayle TM, Cockerill TD, Ellwood MDF, Broad GR, Chung AYC, Eggleton P, Chey VK & M. Yusah K (2011) Establishing the evidence base for maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem function in the oil palm landscapes of South East Asia. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 366, 3277-3291.  

Fayle TM, Dumbrell AJ, Turner EC & Foster WA (2011) Distributional Patterns of Epiphytic Ferns are Explained by the Presence of Cryptic Species. Biotropica 43(1), 6-7. 

Fayle TM, Turner, EC, Snaddon JL, Vun Khen, C Chung AYC, Eggleton, P & Foster WA. (2010) Oil palm expansion into rainforest greatly reduces ant biodiversity in canopy epiphytes and leaf-litter. Basic and Applied Ecology 11, 337-345. 

Turner EC & Foster WA (2009) The impact of conversion of primary rainforest to oil palm plantation on the arthropod fauna of a common epiphyte in Sabah, Malaysia. Journal of Tropical Ecology 25, 23-30. 

Turner EC, Granroth H, Johnson HR, Lucas C, Thompson AM, Froy H, German RN & Holdgate R (2009) Habitat preference and dispersal of the Duke of Burgundy butterfly (Hamearis lucina) on an abandoned chalk quarry in Bedfordshire, UK. Journal of Insect Conservation 13, 475–486. 

Snaddon JL, Turner EC & Foster WA (2008) Children’s perceptions of rainforest biodiversity: which animals have the lion’s share of environmental awareness? PLoS One 3, e1572. 

Turner EC, Snaddon JL, Fayle TM & Foster WA (2008) Oil palm in context: identifying the need for biodiversity assessment. PLoS One 3, e2579.  

Turner EC, Snaddon JL, Johnson HR & Foster WA (2007) The impact of bird’s nest ferns on stemflow nutrient concentration in a primary rain forest, Sabah, Malaysia. Journal of Tropical Ecology 23, 721-724. 

Snaddon JL & Turner EC (2007) A child’s eye view of the insect world: modern culture versus nature on perceptions of insect diversity. Environmental Conservation 34, 33-35. 

Field J, Turner EC, Fayle T & Foster WA (2007) Costs of egg production and offspring provisioning: multifaceted parental investment in a digger wasp. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 274, 445-451. 

Turner EC & Foster WA (2006) Assessing the influence of Bird’s Nest Ferns (Asplenium spp.) on their local microclimate across a range of habitat disturbances in Sabah, Malaysia. Selbyana 27, 195-200. 

Dial R, Ellwood MDF, Turner EC & Foster WA (2006) Arthropod abundance, canopy structure, and microclimate in a Bornean lowland tropical rain forest. Biotropica 38, 643-652. 


Book chapters 

Pashkevich MD, Azhar B, Bukhari D, Fletcher RJ, Snaddon JL & Turner EC (2024) Forest Fragments and Fragmentation. Handbook of Forest Ecology, 2nd Edition. Eds Peh K, Corlett R, & Bergeron Y. Routledge. ISBN 9781032348384.  

Turner EC & Hinsch JA (2018) Integrated Pest Management in sustainable palm oil production. In Achieving sustainable cultivation of oil palm. Ed Alain Rival. Burleigh Dodds.  

Fayle TM, Wanji C, Turner EC, & Mohd Yusah K (2017) A review of land-use change impacts on mutualistic ant-plant symbioses in tropical forests. Book chapter for Ant-Plant Interactions: Impacts of Humans on Terrestrial Ecosystems. Editors: Paulo S. Oliveira & Suzanne Koptur. Cambridge University Press (UK). ISBN: 978-1-107-15975-4 

Turner EC & Snaddon JL (2015). Deforestation in Southeast Asia. Biological and Environmental Hazards, Risks and Disasters (8th volume of Disasters and Hazards). Ed Shroder J. Chapter 12.1. Elsevier (UK). ISBN: 9780123948472 

Turner EC & Snaddon JL (2015) Forest Fragments and Fragmentation. Handbook of Forest Ecology, Eds Peh K, Corlett R, & Bergeron Y. Chapter 36, pp411-422. Routledge. ISBN-10: 0415735459 

Peh KS-H, Lin Y, Luke SH, Foster WA & Turner EC (2014) Forest fragmentation and ecosystem function. Global Forest Fragmentation, Eds Kettle CJ & Koh LP. Chapter 8, pp 143-174. CABI. ISBN 978-1-78064-203-1. 

Turner EC, Snaddon JL, Ewers RM, Fayle TM & Foster WA (2011) The impact of oil palm expansion on environmental change: putting conservation research in context. Environmental Impact of Biofuels. Ed dos Santos Bernardes MA. InTech open access publisher. ISBN 978-953-307-479-5. 


Industry journals, reports and proceedings 

Dicks L and Turner EC (2020) Are the “little things that run the world disappearing? WWF (2020) Living Planet Report 2020 -  Bending the curve of biodiversity loss.  Chapter 1, 44-49. Almond, R.E.A., Grooten M. and Petersen, T. (Eds).  WWF, Gland, Switzerland.  

Lucey JM, Barclay H, Gray CL, Luke SH, Nainar A, Turner EC, Reynolds G, Slade EL, Snaddon JL, Struebig M & Walsh R (2018) Simplified Guide Management and Rehabilitation of Riparian Reserves. White paper report for the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil. 

Barclay H, Gray CL, Luke SH, Nainar A, Snaddon JL & Turner EC (2017) RSPO Manual on Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Management and Rehabilitation of Riparian Reserves. White paper report for the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil. 

Slade EM, Mohd Naim, Muhammad I. Burhanuddin, Sudharto Ps, Caliman JP, Foster WA, Snaddon JL, Turner EC & Mann DJ (2014) Can cattle grazing in mature oil palm increase biodiversity and ecosystem service provision? The Planter, Kuala Lumpur, 90, 655-665. 

Foster WA, Snaddon JL, Dwi Advento A, Anak Agung Ketut Aryawan, Barclay H, Caliman J-P, Kurniawan C, Kurz DJ, Mann D, Mohd Naim, Purnomo D, Pujianto, T. Dzulfikar S. Rambe, Slade EM,  Soeprapto, Suhardi, Sudharto Ps, Ribka Sionita Tarigan,  Resti Wahyuningsih, Rudi Harto Widodo and Turner EC (2014) The Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA) Project. The Planter, Kuala Lumpur, 90, 581-591. 

Turner EC, Abidin YZ, Barlow H, Fayle TM, Jaafar MHH, Chey VK, Larenus J, Nainar A, Reynolds G, Yusof YB, Khoo MS & Ewers RM (2012) The Stability of Altered Forest Ecosystems Project: Investigating The Design Of Human-Modified Landscapes For Productivity And Conservation. The Planter, Kuala Lumpur, 88, 453-468. 

Turner EC (2008) Investigating the habitat preferences of the Duke of Burgundy at Totternhoe Quarry. Action for the Duke of Burgundy: Sharing Good Practice. Seminar Report no. S08-33. Eds Noake B, Bulman C & Bourn N. Butterfly Conservation. 

Fayle TM, Ellwood MDF, Turner EC, Snaddon JL, Mohd Yusah K & Foster WA (2008) Bird’s Nest Ferns: islands of biodiversity in the rainforest canopy. Antenna 32, 34-37. 


Professor of Insect Ecology
Curator of Insects in Museum of Zoology
Deputy Head of Department (Teaching)

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Accepting applications for PhD students.
