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Department of Zoology

Ash Simkins and Jonah Walker

Janet Moore was an outstanding teacher, supervisor and mentor for generations of Cambridge zoologists.  Following her death in 2014 the Department decided to recognise Janet’s contributions by establishing the Janet Moore Prize for supervising in Zoology.  Though she was an essential member of the Zoology teaching team, and Senior Tutor at New Hall (now Murray Edwards College), Janet herself was never a University Teaching Officer – and so this award is about recognising non-UTO supervisors and the extraordinary contribution they make to our Part II class, and to the life of the Department.

Each year we ask Part II Zooloogy students and the module organisers to send in their nominations for outstanding supervisors.  The awards are usually made by the Deputy Head of Department (Teaching) at the Finalists' Party.


The winning supervisors since 2020 have been

2020       Tanmay Dixit and Sarah Luke

2021       Eleanor Bladon and Mairenn Attwood

2022       Jonah Walker

2023       Mairenn Attwood 

2024       Ash Simkins (pictured left) and Jonah Walker (pictured right)