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Department of Zoology


The Departments of Genetics and Zoology would like invite applications for the Balfour-Browne Fund, which is intended to support the study of entomology, with a preference for field-based work.

Any person working in the University, who need not be a member of the University, is eligible to apply. However, the Fund Managers will give preference to current Part II students and IB Natural Science Tripos students intending to take Genetics or Zoology for their Part II course. The Managers would particularly like to support studies in the field, especially in the United Kingdom.

This is an excellent way for students to gain experience of research relating to insects, and in the past this fund has supported students working as voluntary research assistants on projects in the field, summer studentships in Cambridge labs, and student-led expeditions. Labs in Cambridge may be able to offer projects if you contact them.

Applicants may request funds either for maintenance (in which case this will be paid as an internship in line with the National Living Wage of £423.28 per week for up to 6 weeks) and/or for research costs, such as travel or equipment.

Application Form

Your application should include:

  • A brief outline of the research studies to be carried out, describing the purpose for which the grant is required.
  • A brief outline of the risk assessments/ethical approval involved and current state of these approval(s).
  • An estimate of the full costs of the internship; the amount applied for, and the details of any related applications (i.e. to colleges).
  • A short CV (max 2 pages).
  • A brief letter of support from your Director of Studies.
  • A brief letter of support from your prospective supervisor.

Applications should be sent to Philippa Rosselli via

The closing date is Monday 15th April 2024.



  • No grant may be made to any registered Postgraduate Student if it would support work directly connected with their approved course of study or research.
  • All research activities and trips must be covered by appropriate risk assessments. Any award will be contingent on such risk assessments being approved by the Department Safety Office. In addition, some research (e.g. on animals or involving humans) may need additional regulatory or ethical approval. Please outline any such requirements and describe the current state of those approvals (i.e. pending, granting, to be applied for etc.). You should discuss these matters with your supervisor before submitting your application.
  • Students are expected to take it upon themselves to contact members of the Department whom they would like to work with in the field or in a lab, who would supply a letter of support. This funding is not for undergraduate work that may subsequently be submitted for assessment. Recipients of the Fund are expected to submit a report after the completion of their project.
  • The Fund Managers of both J Arthur Ramsay and the Balfour-Browne Fund intend to consider all applications in tandem, so if you are eligible to apply to both funds, you do not need to submit two applications, or supply two sets of letters of support. 


From the Statutes and Ordinances of the University of Cambridge:

  1. From the balance of the sum remaining from the bequest of £10,000 by Professor W. A. F. Balfour-Browne, of Gonville and Caius College, a Balfour-Browne Fund shall be established in the University for the advancement of the study of entomology.
  2. The Fund shall be administered by two Managers, who shall be University officers in the Faculty of Biology appointed by the Faculty Board, one on the nomination of the Head of the Department Genetics and one on the nomination of the Head of the Department of Zoology. Managers shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for two years from 1 January next following.
  3. Any person working in the University, who need not be a member of the University, shall be eligible to apply for a grant from the Fund to support the study of entomology; provided that
    1. preference shall be given to persons in statu pupillari
    2. preference shall be given to the support of studies in the field, especially in the United Kingdom,
    3. no grant shall be made to any registered Graduate Student if it would support work directly connected with his or her approved course of study or research.
  4. In each Michaelmas Term the Managers shall announce the date or dates by which applications for grants from the Fund may be submitted (via the Department of Zoology website).
  5. Any unexpended income shall not be added to the capital of the Fund but shall be accumulated for use as income in subsequent years.