If you would like to receive our termly newsletter, which gives information about research and achievements in the Department, as well as upcoming events, please fill in this form.
(Those already on the Cambridge University Development Alumni Relations [CUDAR] Zoology Alumni emailing list will automatically receive our newsletters and special events emails.)
The Department of Zoology will hold your email address solely for the purposes of sending you our Alumni newsletter (termly) and letting you know about any other special events which might be of interest to you – Alumni and Friends outings, Alumni and Friends weekend events, possible formation of year group reunions etc. We are committed to protecting your personal information and being transparent about what information we hold. Your data is used by us for alumni and supporter relations, and for fundraising. We will not pass on information about you to third parties. Please read our full data protection statement at: alumni.cam.ac.uk/data-protection
Matriculation Year If you are a former student of Cambridge, not already on CUDAR’s Zoology distribution list, we can request that you are added to the Zoology mailings. For this purpose please give your matriculation year.
If you wish to contact us please email: alumni@zoo.cam.ac.uk, or contact our Director of Alumni Relations and Fundraising directly via: waf1@cam.ac.uk
We are happy to receive suggestions for future alumni and friends events, and if you wish to organise a year group reunion we would be happy to help and could tailor an event to suit you, either within the department, or as an outing.
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