I grew up on the outskirts of Southeast London before completing an integrated master's in Natural Sciences at Exeter University. I then spent 4 years at Imperial College London working on a PhD in Design Engineering and Life Sciences, specifically developing acoustic tools for autonomous monitoring of tropical rainforests. I began working here at the University of Cambridge in the Department of Zoology in February 2023, where I have instead been researching sustainable tropical agriculture more broadly. Here we are using an interdisciplinary approach to understand the drivers and outcomes of differences in riparian buffer restoration in smallholder and industrial plantations alike.
Beyond academia, I am passionate about widening participation and encouraging people from all backgrounds to feel comfortable in academic circles. I also really enjoy working with artists and musicians to create pieces inspired by the natural world and am always on the look out for collaborations.
How index selection, compression, and recording schedule impact the description of ecological soundscapes BE Heath, SS Sethi, CDL Orme, RM Ewers, L Picinali. Ecology and Evolution 11 (19), 13206-13217
Good practice guidelines for long-term ecoacoustic monitoring in the UK. O Metcalf... B Heath, 2023. The UK Acoustics Network