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Department of Zoology



Gregory Jefferis obtained his Neurosciences Ph.D. in 2004 for studies on wiring specificity in the Drosophila olfactory system with Liqun Luo at Stanford University. He then joined the Zoology department in Cambridge as a Wellcome Advanced Training Fellow. During this time he developed approaches for brain mapping at the level of single neurons, as well as learning the new Drosophila in vivo whole cell patch clamp preparation.

In 2008, he opened his group in the Neurobiology Division of the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge. They combine molecular biology, genetics, neuroanatomy, electro/optophysiology and behavioural analysis to understand the circuit basis of innate olfactory behaviour, with a special emphasis on sexually dimorphic circuits. He received an ERC Starting Grant in 2008, was appointed to the EMBO Young Investigator Programme in 2012, was promoted to tenured MRC Programme Leader in 2014 and was elected a FENS/Kavli scholar in 2016.

In 2015 he received an ERC Consolidator Grant and, in conjunction with this, was delighted to renew his links with the Zoology department through a joint appointment as Principal Research Associate. His work in Zoology is centred on the use of electron microscopy approaches to the study the organisation of the adult and larval fly brain as well as developmental studies. He was the principal applicant for a Wellcome Collaborative Award involving groups in Cambridge, HHMI Janelia (USA) and Oxford, which now funds the group based in Zoology.


Key publications: 
Director of Research
Accepting applications for PhD students.


Collaborator profiles: 
Person keywords: 
Volume Imaging
multiphoton imaging
in vivo physiology
Image Visualisation
Electon Microscopy
quantitative behaviour
Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
Drosophila genetics
Imaging technologies
computational neuroanatomy
Fluorescence Light microscopy
Probe development