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Department of Zoology



PhD, Columbia University (2014)

BSc (Hon), Dalhousie University (2005)



Broadly speaking, I am interested in parental effects and how social experiences acquired across the lifespan could be inherited by, and impose specific developmental trajectories, upon future generations of offspring. Further, I am interested in the adaptive significance of epigenetic changes and their implications for the evolution of behavioural traits.


Key publications: 

Mashoodh R, Habrylo IB, Gudsnuk KM, Pelle G, Champagne FA (2018) Maternal modulation of paternal effects on offspring development. Proc Roy Soc B

Mashoodh R, Franks B, Curley JP, Champagne FA (2012) Paternal social enrichment effects on maternal behaviour and offspring growth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 109 Suppl 2:17232-8.

Curley JP, Mashoodh R, Champagne FA (2011) Epigenetics and the origins of paternal effects. Hormones & Behaviour, 59:306-14.

Champagne FA & Mashoodh R (2009) Genes in context: gene–environment interplay and the origins of individual differences in behaviour. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 18:127-131

BBSRC Future Leader Fellow

Contact Details

01223 (7)69016