PhD, Columbia University (2014)
BSc (Hon), Dalhousie University (2005)
Broadly speaking, I am interested in parental effects and how social experiences acquired across the lifespan could be inherited by, and impose specific developmental trajectories, upon future generations of offspring. Further, I am interested in the adaptive significance of epigenetic changes and their implications for the evolution of behavioural traits.
Mashoodh R, Habrylo IB, Gudsnuk KM, Pelle G, Champagne FA (2018) Maternal modulation of paternal effects on offspring development. Proc Roy Soc B
Mashoodh R, Franks B, Curley JP, Champagne FA (2012) Paternal social enrichment effects on maternal behaviour and offspring growth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 109 Suppl 2:17232-8.
Curley JP, Mashoodh R, Champagne FA (2011) Epigenetics and the origins of paternal effects. Hormones & Behaviour, 59:306-14.
Champagne FA & Mashoodh R (2009) Genes in context: gene–environment interplay and the origins of individual differences in behaviour. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 18:127-131