Submitted by Administrator on Mon, 29/07/2013 - 15:35
Zoology graduates have again done exceptionally well in various poster competitions recently.
The Graduate School of Life Sciences Poster and Images competition
Impact/Awareness Posters (new category this year) Winner: Wendy Gu - "Meet the Fruit Fly"
Image Competition Third prize to Vera Hunnekuhl for her image - a high magnification capture of the developing head of a centipede.
Overall Best Poster Winner: Mary Caswell Stoddard for her poster "Cuckoo Forgery - Through a Bird's Eye"
Departmental Seminar Day Poster Competition Winner: Kelly Seagraves for her poster on directional sensitivity of auditory processing in crickets.
Student Conference on Conservation Science 2nd Prize to Tharsila Carranza for her poster on whether protected areas work in slowing the conversion of the Brazilian cerrado.
Warmest congratulations to all!