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Department of Zoology



Some books on insect hearing:



Recent publications:

  • Isaacson MD and Hedwig B. (2017) Neuroanatomical and functional labeling by tracer electrophoresis through the nerve sheath. Scientific Reports, 7:40433, DOI: 10.1038/srep40433
  • Schöneich S, Hedwig B (2017) Neurons and networks underlying singing behaviour. In: Horch HW, Mito T, Ohuchi H, Popadić A, Noji S (eds), The Cricket as a Model Organism. Development, Regeneration and Behaviour. Springer Japan, Chapter 10, pp: 141-153
  • Pollack G, Hedwig B (2017) The cricket auditory pathway: Neural processing of acoustic signals. In: Horch HW, Mito T, Ohuchi H, Popadić A, Noji S (eds), The Cricket as a Model Organism. Development, Regeneration and Behaviour. Springer Japan, Chapter 11, pp: 155-168
  • Hedwig B (2017) Trackball systems for analysing cricket phonotaxis. In: Horch HW, Mito T, Ohuchi H, Popadić A, Noji S (eds), The Cricket as a Model Organism. Development, Regeneration and Behaviour. Springer Japan, Chapter 19, pp: 303-312


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