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Department of Zoology

Read more at: Strengthening Conservation ties with India

Strengthening Conservation ties with India

29 July 2013

A leading Indian conservation expert, Dr Karithi Karanth, has visited the Department to work with a Cambridge counterpart and give a public lecture, thanks to the Cambridge Hamied Visiting Lectureship Scheme.

Read more at: Warming climate means red deer rutting season arrives early

Warming climate means red deer rutting season arrives early

29 July 2013

Wild red deer on the Isle of Rum, which were featured in the BBC TV series Autumnwatch, are rutting earlier in the year, a study shows.

Read more at: Professor Ron Laskey, CBE

Professor Ron Laskey, CBE

29 July 2013

The department is delighted to offer its congratulations to Professor Ron Laskey, who was awarded a CBE in the New Year's Honours list this year for his services to Science.

Read more at: Fruit fly droppings give insight into human gut problems

Fruit fly droppings give insight into human gut problems

29 July 2013

Clues about how the human gut helps regulate our appetite have come from a most unusual source – fruit fly faeces.

Read more at: Nick Crumpton co-authors children's book

Nick Crumpton co-authors children's book

29 July 2013

A new children's activity book co-authored by the Department's Nick Crumpton has been published by Flying Eye books.

Read more at: Cuckoo named after Professor Nick Davies

Cuckoo named after Professor Nick Davies

12 July 2013

Professor Nick Davies has had a cuckoo named after him as part of the British Trust for Ornithology's cuckoo tracking project.

Read more at: Optimal foraging in C.elegans

Optimal foraging in C.elegans

4 July 2013

Dr Birgitta Olofsson and colleagues have published a paper looking at neuronal and molecular substrates for optimal foraging in Caenorhabditis elegans.

Read more at: Part II Zoology Open Day

Part II Zoology Open Day

4 July 2013

2nd Year Natural Science, Medic and Vet Students are invited to come along to the Museum of Zoology on Monday 12th March to talk to course and module organisers about taking their Part II year in the Zoology Department.

Read more at: Demise of large animals such as woolly mammoth and giant sloths caused by both man and climate change

Demise of large animals such as woolly mammoth and giant sloths caused by both man and climate change

4 July 2013

Past waves of extinctions, which removed some of the world's largest animals, were caused by both people and climate change, according to new research from the members of the Department.

Read more at: Poster Competition Successes 2012

Poster Competition Successes 2012

4 July 2013

The Graduate School of Life Sciences Poster and Images competition Image Competition: Second prize to Paola Cognigni for her image "A view into a fly's backside". Impact Poster competition: Second prize to Gerit Linneweber for his poster "Insects impact on us!" Departmental Seminar Day Poster Competition Winner: Jiggins...