Kuijper, B and Johnstone, RA (2018) Maternal effects and parent–offspring conflict. Evolution, 72: 220-233.
Croft, DP, Johnstone, RA, Ellis, S, Nattrass, S, Franks, DW, Brent, LJN, Mazzi, S, Balcomb, KC, Ford, JKB and Cant, MA (2017). Reproductive Conflict and the Evolution of Menopause in Killer Whales. Current Biology 27: 298–304.
Kuijper, B, and Johnstone, RA (2017). How Sex-Biased Dispersal Affects Sexual Conflict over Care. The American Naturalist 189: 501–514.
Savage, JL, Browning, LE, Manica, A, Russell, AF and Johnstone, RA (2017). Turn-taking in cooperative offspring provisioning: by-product of individual provisioning behaviour or active response rule? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 71: 162.
Thompson, FJ, Cant, MA, Marshall, HH, Vitikainen, EIK, Sanderson, JL, Nichols, HJ, Gilchrist, JS, Bell, MBV, Young, AJ, Hodge, SJ, and Johnstone, RA (2017). Explaining negative kin discrimination in a cooperative mammal society. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114: 5207–5212.
Wells, JCK, and Johnstone, RA (2017). Modeling Developmental Plasticity in Human Growth: Buffering the Past or Predicting the Future? In ‘The Arc of Life’. pp. 21–39 (Springer New York).
Wells, JCK, Nesse, RM, Sear, R, Johnstone, RA & Stearns, SC (2017) Evolutionary public health: introducing the concept. The Lancet 390: 500–509.
Bogaardt, L and Johnstone, RA (2016). Amplifiers and the origin of animal signals. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences283: 20160324.
Crane, JMS, Savage, JL and Russell, AF (2016). Diversity and function of vocalisations in the cooperative chestnut-crowned babbler. Emu 116: 241–253.
Johnstone, RA and Rodrigues, AMM (2016). Cooperation and the common good. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371: 20150086.
Kuijper, B and Johnstone, RA (2016). Parental effects and the evolution of phenotypic memory. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29, 265–276.
Nakayama, S, Harcourt, JL, Johnstone, RA and Manica, A (2016). Who directs group movement ? Leader effort versus follower preference in stickleback fish of different personality. Biology Letters 12: 20160207
Vitikainen, EIK, Cant, MA, Sanderson, JL, Mitchell, C, Nichols, HJ, Marshall, HH, Thompson, FJ, Gilchrist, JS, Hodge, SJ, Johnstone, RA and Blount, JD (2016). Evidence of Oxidative Shielding of Offspring in a Wild Mammal. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 4: 1–10.
Engesser, S, Crane, JMS., Savage, JL, Russell, AF, and Townsend, SW (2015). Experimental Evidence for Phonemic Contrasts in a Nonhuman Vocal System. PLOS Biology 13: e1002171.
Jolles, JW, Fleetwood-Wilson, A, Nakayama, S, Stumpe, MC, Johnstone, RA, Manica, A. (2015) The role of social attraction and its link with boldness in the collective movements of three-spined sticklebacks. Animal Behaviour, 99: 147-153.
Nomano, FY, Browning, LE, Savage, JL, Rollins, LA, Griffith, SC, and Russell, AF. (2015). Unrelated helpers neither signal contributions nor suffer retribution in chestnut-crowed babblers. Behavioral Ecology 26: 986–995.
Savage, JL, Russell, A. F., and Johnstone, RA (2015). Maternal allocation in cooperative breeders: should mothers match or compensate for expected helper contributions? Animal Behaviour 102: 189–197.
Cant, MA, Nichols, HJ, Johnstone, RA and Hodge, SJ (2014) Policing of reproduction by hidden threats in a cooperative mammal. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111: 326–330.
Johnstone, RA and Kuijper, B. (2014) Kin competition and the evolution of sex differences in development time and body size. American Naturalist 183: 537–546.
Johnstone, RA, Manica, A., Fayet, AL, Stoddard, MC, Rodriguez-Gironés, MA and Hinde, CA (2014) Reciprocity and conditional cooperation between great tit parents. Behavioral Ecology 25: 216–222.
Jolles, JW, Fleetwood-Wilson, A, Nakayama, S, Stumpe, MC, Johnstone, RA, Manica, A (2014) The role of previous social experience on risk-taking and leadership in three-spined sticklebacks. Behavioral Ecology, 25: 1395-1401
Kuijper, B, Johnstone, RA and Townley, S. (2014) The evolution of multivariate maternal effects. PLoS computational biology 10: e1003550.
Rodrigues, A. M. M., and Johnstone, RA (2014). Evolution of positive and negative density-dependent dispersal. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281, 20141226.
Thompson, FJ, Donaldson, L, Johnstone, RA, Field, J, and Cant, MA (2014) Dominant aggression as a deterrent signal in paper wasps. Behavioral Ecology, 25: 706-715.