I am interested in the effects of habitat change on biodiversity and ecosystem functions, and development of possible strategies for conservation. My work is largely focused on tropical agricultural systems and insects, with several projects considering the management of oil palm agroecosystems in Malaysia and Indonesia. Ongoing projects include:
- Assessing the impacts of selective logging and conversion of forest to oil palm plantations on terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates (with the SAFE Project, the Aquatic Ecology Group, the Insect Ecology Group, and the University of East Anglia)
- Testing strategies for striking a balance between production and conservation in oil palm-dominated landscapes, including:
- varying management of understory vegetation, and restoring degraded riparian buffers (with the BEFTA Programme, and the Insect Ecology Group)
- maintaining riparian buffers of different widths (with the SAFE Project, LOMBOK Project, and DICE Kent)
- Developing tools to help improve sustainability of tropical agriculture (with the Cool Farm Biodiversity Tool, and the Agroecology Group)
- Determining the current ‘Grand Challenges’ in entomology (with the Royal Entomological Society, and the Agroecology Group)
Luke, S.H., Advento, A.D., Aryawan, A.A.K., Adhy, D.H., Ashton-Butt, A., Barclay, H., Dewi, J.P., Drewer, J., Dumbrell, A.J., Edi, Eycott, A.E., Harianja, M.F., Hinsch, J.K., Hood, A.S-C., Kurniawan, C., Kurz, D.J., Mann, D.J., Matthews Nicholass, K.J., Naim, M., Pashkevich, M.D., Prescott, G.W., Ps, S., Pujianto, Purnomo, D., Purwoko, R.R., Putra, S., Rambe, T.D.S., Soeprapto, Spear, D.M., Suhardi, Tan, D.J.X., Tao, H-H., Tarigan, R.S., Wahyuningsih, R., Waters, H.S., Widodo, R.H., Whendy, Woodham, C.R., Caliman, J-P., Slade, E.M., Snaddon, J.L., Foster, W.A., Turner, E.C. (2020). Managing oil palm plantations more sustainably: large-scale experiments within the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA) Programme. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 2
Luke S.H., Slade E.M., Gray C.L., Annammala, K.V., Drewer, J., Williamson, J., Agama, A.L., Ationg, M., Mitchell, S.L., Vairappan, C.S., Struebig, M.J. (2019) Riparian buffers in tropical agriculture: Scientific support, effectiveness and directions for policy. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56:85–92
Luke, S.H., Barclay, H., Bidin, K., Chey, V.K., Ewers, R.M., Foster, W.A., Nainar, A., Pfeifer, M., Reynolds, G., Turner, E.C., Walsh, R.P.D., Aldridge, D.C., (2017). The effects of catchment and riparian forest quality on stream environmental conditions across a tropical rainforest and oil palm landscape in Malaysian Borneo. Ecohydrology, e1827
Luke, S.H., Dow, R.A., Butler, S., Vun Khen, C., Aldridge, D.C., Foster, W.A., Turner, E.C., (2017). The impacts of habitat disturbance on adult and larval dragonflies (Odonata) in rainforest streams in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Freshwater Biology, 62
Luke, S.H., Fayle, T.M., Eggleton, P., Turner, E.C., & Davies, R.G. (2014). Functional structure of ant and termite assemblages in old growth forest, logged forest and oil palm plantation in Malaysian Borneo. Biodiversity and Conservation, 23, 2817–2832
Jucker, T., Amano, T., Bell, A., Garnett, E., Geffert, J.L., Guth, M., Hacket-Pain, A., Luke, S.H., Mumby, H. Nunes, M., Rademacher, T., Rose, D.C., Schleicher, J., Simmons, B., Zabala, A., Mukherjee, N. (2021) Taking steps towards diversifying priority setting research in conservation science: reflections on de Gracia (2021). Conservation Biology, cobi.13790
Reiss-Woolever, V.J., Luke, S.H., Stone, J., Shackelford, G., & Turner, E.C. (2021) Review shows increase in social and ecological research on oil palm, but need for more interdisciplinary research. Environment Research Letters, 0-30
Boyle, M.J.W., Bishop, T.R., Luke, S.H., van Breugel, M., Evans, T.A., Pfeifer, M., Fayle, T.M., Hardwick, S.R., Lane‐Shaw, R.I., Yusah, K.M., Ashford, I.C.R., Ashford, O.S., Garnett, E., Turner, E.C., Wilkinson, C.L., Chung, A.Y.C., Ewers, R.M. (2020) Localised climate change defines ant communities in human‐modified tropical landscapes. Functional Ecology, 1365-2435.13737
Williamson, J., Slade, E.M., Luke, S.H., Swinfield, T., Chung, A.Y.C., Coomes, D.A., Heroin, H., Jucker, T., Lewis, O.T., Vairappan, C.S., Rossiter, S.J., Struebig, M.J. (2020) Riparian buffers act as important microclimatic refugia in oil palm landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology, 1365-2664.13784
Pashkevich, M.D., Aryawan, A.A.K., Luke, S.H., Dupérré, N., Waters, H.S., Caliman, J-P., Naim, M., Turner, E.C. (2020). Assessing the effects of oil palm replanting on arthropod biodiversity. Journal of Applied Ecology, 1365-2664.13749 . doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.13749
Luke, S.H., Advento, A.D., Dow, R.A., Aryawan, A.A.K., Barclay, H., Eycott, A.E., Hinsch, J.K., Kurniawan, C., Naim, M., Mann, D.J., Pujianto, Purnomo, D., Rambe, T.D.S., Slade, E.M., Soeprapto, Ps, S., Suhardi, Tarigan, R.S., Wahyuningsih, R., Widodo, R.H., Caliman, J-P., Snaddon, J.L., Foster, W.A., Turner, E.C. (2020). Complexity within an oil palm monoculture: the effects of habitat variability and rainfall on adult dragonfly (Odonata) communities. Biotropica, 52(2), 366–378.
Eycott, A.E., Advento, A.D., Waters, H.S., Luke, S.H., Aryawan, A.A.K., Hood, A.S.C., Naim, M., Ps, S., Pujianto, Purnomo, D., Rambe, T.D.S., Soeprapto, Suhardi, Tarigan, R.S., Wahyuningish, R., Widodo, R.H., Caliman, J-P., Snaddon, J.L., Foster, W.A., Turner, E. C. (2019). Resilience of ecological functions to drought in an oil palm agroecosystem. Environmental Research Communications, 1(10), 101004
Hood, A.S.C., Aryawan, A.A.K., Advento, A.D., Purnomo, D., Wahyuningsih, R., Luke, S.H., Ps, S., Snaddon, J.L., Foster, W.A., Caliman, J-P., Turner, E.C., Naim, M. (2019). Understory Vegetation in Oil Palm Plantations Promotes Leopard Cat Activity, but Does Not Affect Rats or Rat Damage. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 2
Luke, S. H., Purnomo, D., Advento, A. D., Aryawan, A. A. K., Naim, M., Pikstein, R. N., Ps, S., Rambe, T. D. S., Soeprapto, Caliman, J-P, Snaddon, J. L., Foster, W. A., Turner, E. C. (2019). Effects of Understory Vegetation Management on Plant Communities in Oil Palm Plantations in Sumatra, Indonesia. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 2
Woodham C.R., Aryawan A.A.K., Luke S.H., Manning P., Caliman J-P., Naim M., Turner E.C., & Slade E.M. (2019) Effects of Replanting and Retention of Mature Oil Palm Riparian Buffers on Ecosystem Functioning in Oil Palm Plantations. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 2
Padfield R., Hansen S., Bicknell J., Davies Z., Ehrensperger A., Slade E.M., Evers S., Papargyropoulou E., Bessou C., Abdullah N., Aplin P., Ancrenaz M., Balqis S., Barclay H., Chellaiah D., Choudhary S., Conway S., Cook S., Copeland A., Campos-Arceiz A., Deere N., Drew S., Gilvear D., Gray R., Haller T., Hood A.S.C., Huat L.K., Huynh N., Kangayatkarasu N., Koh L.P., Kumaran S., Lim R.A.H., Yeong Y.K.L., Lucey J., Luke S.H., Montefrio M., Mullin K., Nainar A., K.A.I. Nekaris, Nijman V., Nunes M., Nurhidayu S., O'Reilly P., Puan C.L., Ruppert N., Salim H., Schouten G., Tallontire A., Smith T., Tao H., Tham M.H., Varkkey H., Wadey J., Yule C., Sharif B., Sayok A., & Struebig M. (2019) Co-producing knowledge for environmental sustainability: Defining the research agenda for palm oil. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 2
Jucker T., Wintle B., Shackelford G., Bocquillon P., Geffert J.L., Kasoar T., Kovacs E., Mumby H.S., Orland C., Schleicher J., Tew E.R., Zabala A., Amano T., Bell A., Bongalov B., Chambers J.M., Corrigan C., Durán A.P., Duvic-Paoli L-A., Emilson C., da Silva J.F., Garnett E.E., Green E.J., Guth M.K., Hacket-Pain A., Hinsley A., Igea J., Kunz M., Luke S.H., Lynam W., Martin P.A., Nunes M.H., Ockendon N., Pavitt A., Payne C.L.R., Plutshack V., Rademacher T.T., Robertson R.J., Rose D.C., Serban A., Simmons B.I., Emilson, E.J.S., Tayleur C., Wordley C.F.R., Mukherjee, N. (2018) Ten-year assessment of the 100 priority questions for global biodiversity conservation. Conservation Biology 1–20
Spear D.M., Foster W.A., Advento A.D., Naim, M., Caliman, J-P, Luke, S.H., Snaddon, J.L., Ps, S., Turner, E.C. (2018) Simplifying understory complexity in oil palm plantations is associated with a reduction in the density of a cleptoparasitic spider, Argyrodes miniaceus (Araneae: Theridiidae), in host (Araneae: Nephilinae) webs. Ecology and Evolution 1–9
Barclay H., Gray C.L., Luke S.H., et al (2017) RSPO Manual on Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the Management and Rehabilitation of Riparian Reserves
Gibb, H., Sanders, N.J., Dunn, R.R., Arnan, X., Vasconcelos, H.L., Donoso, D.A., Andersen, A.N., Silva, R.R., Bishop, T.R., Gomez, C., Grossman, B.F., Yusah, K.M., Luke, S.H., Pacheco, R., Pearce-Duvet, J., Retana, J., Tista, M. and Parr, C.L. (2017). Habitat Disturbance Selects against Both Small and Large Species across Varying Climates. Ecography 40: 1–9
Gibb, H., Dunn, R.R., Sanders, N.J., Grossman, B.F., Photakis, M., Abril, S., Agosti, D., .... Luke, S.H., .... Parr, C.L. (2017). A Global Database of Ant Species Abundances. Ecology 98 (3)
Májeková, M., Paal, T., Plowman, N.S., Bryndová, M., Kasari, L., Norberg, A., Weiss, M., Bishop, T.R., Luke, S.H., Sam, K., Le Bagousse-Pinguet, Y., Lepš, J., Götzenberger, L., de Bello, F. (2016). Evaluating Functional Diversity: Missing Trait Data and the Importance of Species Abundance Structure and Data Transformation. PLoS One 11: e0149270
Ewers, R.M., Boyle, M.J.W., Gleave, R.A., Plowman, N.S., Benedick, S., Bernard, H., Bishop, T.R., Bakhtiar, E.Y., Chey, V.K., Chung, A.Y.C., Davies, R.G., Edwards, D.P., Eggleton, P., Fayle, T.M., Hardwick, S.R., Homathevi, R., Kitching, R.L., Khoo, M.S., Luke, S.H., March, J.J., Nilus, R., Pfeifer, M., Rao, S.V., Sharp, A.C., Snaddon, J.L., Stork, N.E., Struebig, M.J., Wearn, O.R., Yusah, K.M., Turner, E.C., (2015). Logging cuts the functional importance of invertebrates in tropical rainforest. Nature Communications, 6, 1–7
Dow, R.A. and Luke, S.H. (2015). Phaenandrogomphus safei, a new species from Sabah, northern Borneo (Odonata: Anisoptera: Gomphidae). Zootaxa 3905 (1) 145-150.
Peh, K.S.-H., Lin, Y., Luke, S.H., Foster, W.A., & Turner, E.C. (2014). Book chapter: Forest fragmentation and ecosystem function. In book: Global Forest Fragmentation, Chapter: 8, Publisher: CABI, Editors: C Kettle, L P Koh, pp.96-114