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Department of Zoology


I am interested in the role of freshwater mussels as ecosystem engineers, in both temperate and tropical freshwater ecosystems, and their interactions with invertebrate communities.  I also study changes to mussel populations as a result of both recent and long-term environmental alteration, and the implications for wider ecosystem functioning.

I am supported by a Whitten Studentship.


Key publications: 

Ollard, I., & Aldridge, D. C. (2022). Declines in freshwater mussel density, size and productivity in the River Thames over the past half century. Journal of Animal Ecology, 92(1), 112-123.

Aldridge, D. C., Ollard, I. S., Bespalaya, Y. V., Bolotov, I. N., Douda, K., Geist, J., ... & Zieritz, A. (2022). Freshwater mussel conservation: A global horizon scan of emerging threats and opportunities. Global Change Biology, 29(3), 575-589.

Brian, J. I., Ollard, I. S., & Aldridge, D. C. (2021). Don't move a mussel? Parasite and disease risk in conservation action. Conservation Letters, e12799.

PhD student