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Dawson Professor of Zoology, St. Catharine's College
Head of Aquatic Ecology Group
01223 (3)34436 or (3)31769
Associate Professor and Curator, University Museum of Zoology
01223 (3)36680
Research Fellow
Hon Research Professor, Rhodes University
Hon Associate Professor, and Member of the Centre for Marine Science, University of Queensland
Hon Professor, Institute for Coastal and Marine Research, Nelson Mandela University
Senior Research Associate - Group Leader (Visitor)
01223 (7)63895 or (3)36663 or (7)65408
Strickland Curator of Ornithology, University Museum of Zoology
01223 (3)36610
Director of Research and formerly Prince Philip Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
01223 (3)36605
University Lecturer in Animal Ecology
01223 (3)36630
Strickland Curator of Ornithology
Professor of Vertebrate Palaeontology
Fellow, Christ's College Cambridge
Director of Alumni Relations
Senior Lecturer and Curator of Insects (Emeritus)
01223 (3)36615
Professor of Vertebrate Evolution and Ecology
Curator of Vertebrate Palaeontology, Herpetology, and Ichthyology University Museum of Zoology
Chair, Cambridge Biotomography Centre
+44 (0)1223 (7)65387
Whitten Lecturer in Marine Biology
Associate Professor
01223 (7)68946
1866 Professor of Zoology
Director, University Museum of Zoology
HoD Zoology
01223 (3)31766
Assistant Professor
Curator of Invertebrates incorporating the Watson Curator of Malacology
Co-director of the Leverhulme Centre for Life in the Universe
01223 (7)62935
Professor of Evolutionary Genetics
Deputy Head of Department (Teaching)
01223 (3)36657
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellow
01223 (7)69022
University Reader & Curator of Malacology, University Museum of Zoology (Emeritus)
01223 (3)36666
Professor of Infectious Disease Informatics
Director of Centre for Pathogen Evolution
01223 (3)34872 or (3)30933
Senior Research Associate, Conservation Science Group.
01223 (7)60832
Director of Research and formerly Miriam Rothschild Chair of Conservation Biology
01223 (3)36686
Professor of Insect Ecology
Curator of Insects in Museum of Zoology
Deputy Head of Department (Teaching)
01223 (7)69353
Deputy Head of School - Undergraduate Strategy
Professor of Developmental Biology
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellow (Global)
01223 336682