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Department of Zoology


Prospective PhD Students

If you are interested in working on any of our research topics, then please get in touch with prospective supervisors (as indicated by the suffix (PI) next to group members’ names). We encourage prospective students to devise their own research projects, but we are happy to provide specific guidance as well. The university has funding schemes available for students from EU and non-EU countries as well as UK students. Further details about how to apply for a PhD, and the funding schemes available, may be found on the Department of Zoology's Prospective Postgraduates page.

Prospective Post-docs

We have an excellent track record in helping post-docs to win research fellowships to come and work in our group. If you are interested in joining our lab then please get in touch with individual principal investigators who can help advise on potential sources of funding.

Several colleges in Cambridge offer Junior Research Fellowships, which are open to all applicants who have recently finished their PhD. Advertisements for these competitions regularly appear in the Cambridge University Reporter.